2025 Winter/Spring Workshops
With a few still-to-be-confirmed exceptions, we are pleased to be able to share a host of workshop offerings for the first half of 2025. In planning for the diverse interests of our community, we strove to find a balance in woodcraft modalities, skill, duration, dates and instructor variety! Those new to woodworking may be overwhelmed by the wealth of options, and those familiar with Intersections should find some new challenges.
Pierre Rousseau will teach Intersections' 10 week signature workshops, Fundamentals of Woodworking 1 and Fundamentals 2 beginning in January. Beginning in April, he will teach a 12 week Fundamentals of Woodworking 3 with the challenging project of the Tambour Cabinet. He will also teach specific skills in weekend workshops.
Carl Durance returns to share his expertise in woodturning, offering workshops for beginner and intermediate turners. He will also teach a long anticipated workshop in marquetry, as well as share his breadth of skill in woodcarving Celtic Spoons.
Jennifer Hart continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in a single day workshop. Her popular Introduction to Power Tools for Women now has a series of follow up workshops, including Build a Free Little Library, A Wall Mounted Shelf, and new this season, a Kitchen Garden Planter.
Hugh Hunter and Nick Davies take the lead again in CNC Instruction, and Nick will again instruct in the art of Pyrography. Allan Guacci, our shop manager, will provide Workshop Orientation and Safety Training to new workshop users.
Chronologically, our first workshops of the new year are listed below. All are now open for registration.